Massage & Pet Spaw

Canine massage is a branch of massage therapy that promotes health in dogs. Specifically, canine massage therapy is a form of alternative therapy the benefits of which may include relaxation, increased oxygenation, relief from pain, improved joint flexibility, as well as miscellaneous benefits to the immune system. It uses touch to maintain or improve both physical and emotional well-being.



”Touch comes before sight, before speech. It is the first language, and the last, and it always tells the truth.” Margaret Atwood

Aromatherapy Reiki is a new, truly unique approach to dog/cat essential oil applicaiton, Through the use of gentle touch, essential oils and focused intention, physical and psychological changes occur that enhance the animals’ well being.

During the massage 3 certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils are applied to your companions spine.

Among its many benefits are:

Helping to lessen stress, creating a sense of calm and well-being, and promoting whole-body relaxation,

Supporting healthy immune function,

Bringing a sense of balance and harmony to the mind and body.


We and our pets travel through life together and what happens to our pets happens to us and vice versa. Our pets are very connected to us and therefore are affected by our health, mood, stress, joy, and happiness.

We’ve all experienced days and situations that leave us drained. We may be bringing home that stress to our four-legged companion(s). Studies have shown that dogs and cats are influenced by the mood at home. If their person feels stress, they respond to that stress. Your pets may hide or withdraw from you, or get physically ill in response to an unhappy situation at home.

So how does this information affect you and your cat and dog? Basically, what happens to you, happens to your pet. The connection between you and your pets is so strong that it not only affects your physical and emotional well being but that of your pets.

I will give you an example. You have had a busy and demanding day and you are thinking about all of the things you have to do when you get home. Sometimes you feel that the last thing you need is someone or “something” demanding more of you. You walk through the door. Your companion is there to greet you! They are happy to see you! They want your attention now. I mean Right Now! You are feeling off and want just 5 minutes of peace and quiet, or to just relax and unwind from your day. Your companion senses your mood and may think they did something wrong and they may cower and sulk away from you.

What they are thinking is “Mommy / Daddy is Home! We are going to get fed and played with or walked! My Parent is Home!” They are just so happy and excited to see you. You may feel like you need a little time to yourself, but if you have pets you must be there for them.

Through consultations I can offer you tools to help you create a peaceful home environment for both you and your pal.

If we wish for our pets to live healthy and happy lives then we must realize the strength of that connection. We must address not only their physical needs, exercise, good nutrition, supplements… but their energetic and emotional needs. In addition, we must address our own health and well-being.